Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) is a teaching technique developed by Dr. Mary-Ann Winkelmas that emphasizes three aspects of communicating course content: The purpose, the task, and the criteria. When designing an assignment, you should craft it with an explanation in mind of its relevance to the course overall, and what students will learn or demonstrate through its completion (purpose). The assignment should also be described in detail so that students understand what is expected (task). Finally, the criteria for assessment should be detailed so students know what to expect. By emphasizing those three aspects, assignments become more united with the overall goals of a class. The main emphasis of TILT is not only on offering an explanation to your students, but to reflect how each assignment reflects the core concepts of a class. By offering a clear and persuasive explanation for the importance of each assignment and its relevance to core concepts, it can result it more connected learning and better submitted work. Students in the module will be asked to read materials, complete a quiz, and practice ‘tilting’ one of their own assignments through discussion boards.