- Teacher: Terry Matthews
- Teacher: Suzanne Mayo-Theus
Course Description: Students will engage in activities that will enable them to identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses, analyze leadership gaps, and evaluate strategies for closing the gaps between a current leader and a leader of the future. Course Structure: Participate online to complete interactive exercises. Objectives: This course should deepen your knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of leadership and prepare you to: State the main characteristics of leadership and why you think they are important. Identify leadership strengths and weaknesses and what gaps may exist. Critically think about how to respond in different scenarios and how your decision impacts the outcome. Before the course: Group chats will be enabled between the students and teacher. Ask your questions in the group chat! Quick Write: Students will be asked to write in one sentence what qualities make a great leader. Leadership Style Quiz : Answer these brief questions to explore your leadership style.
- Teacher: Amy Washington